Recruitment Sectors

Different Recruitment Sectors of Scion in Portland

If you ever notice, many companies nowadays are using the help of the staffing agencies when they are looking for new candidates to fill the vacant position in their company. This one is mostly done by those companies who need someone to fill the position in a short time or the temporary staff. If you are looking for the best Portland temp agency, then you should look for nothing but Scion. 

This staffing agency has been there for some years. They have helped a lot of companies that are in need of the temporary staff for the company. For your information, there are quite a lot of reason why Scion became the partner of many companies in Portland.

Yet, one of the main reasons is because of the different recruitment sectors that you can find from Scion. Here are some of them.

For the start, you can find the Scion Staffing. This sector can be considered as the general sector that you need to call when you are in need of some candidates that you can choose for your company.

On this recruitment sector, you can some candidates that you can hire based on your need, starting from the temporary staff to the permanent staff. The second recruitment sector that you can find from Scion is the Scion Technical.

As the name implies, this is the specific sector where you can find the possible candidates that are working with the technical things. For example, you need some new tech staffs for your company or you need a new IT staff, you can call this recruitment sector. Scion will be glad to help you to provide the best technical staffs that you need.

The third one is the Scion Nonprofit. If you think Scion is one company that will only help the rich, you are wrong. That is because they also have some candidates that you can hire if you are running a nonprofit organization.

That is because Scion also wants to help the people by giving the best staffs for the nonprofit organizations with the help of shaping the better future of the world. The next sector is the Scion Executive.

This one is something specific for those who need to fill the top position in their company. It is not something easy to find the right person to fill the high and top level positions such as director or supervisor.

However, Scion has some candidates that you can choose despite of your company needs. You only need to tell them the kind of executive that you need and they will provide you with a list of candidates that you can choose.

The last one is Scion Medical. If you are asking why there is a special recruitment sector for the medical needs, it is because Scion realized that health is one sector that needs a lot of attention.

That is why Scion made sure that they have the best medical staffs that you need in order to save people. Can you imagine how Scion has helped a lot of people around?