Outdoor Activity Apps

Best Outdoor Activity Apps To Enjoy This Spring/Summer

If you ride, or are interested in purchasing, electric bikes Newport Beach, you are probably looking to make the most of the spring and summer months outdoors. You can leverage the power of technology to help you in ways that you may not expect. There are apps available for your Android or iOS smart phone that help you decide on activities, find your location, stay safe, and even do some good for your community while you are out and about.


Oroeco shows you how your life connects to climate change by tracking your carbon footprint. It also provides tips on how you can help the environment by walking or riding your womens electric beach cruiser to work instead of driving or planting trees in your community. It not only helps you save the environment, but it also helps you save money as well.


It is fun to explore the more remote areas, but it can also raise concerns about safety, especially if you’re on your own or you get separated from your group. Cairn allows you to explore with more confidence by helping you find cell coverage while out in the wilderness and sharing your GPS location with family, friends, or other members of your party. You can set up a time when you are due back, and then others can get help if you do not return when expected. Be aware, Cairn is only available for iOS.


Komoot is a good tool if you intend to ride your electric bike in an unfamiliar area. It tracks your location via GPS and gives you turn-by-turn voice navigation so you can keep your eyes on the trail rather than having to stop to look at a map.

Night Sky

If you like stargazing but aren’t up on astronomy, Night Sky can help iPhone users plan a nocturnal excursion that is both fun and educational. This app informs you which features you can see in the night sky on a particular date so you can plan your trip. It then uses augmented reality to help you identify constellations, planets, specific stars, etc.

Charity Miles

Charity Miles helps you keep track of your steps and motivate you to keep moving by doing some good for others. The app comes equipped with tools including a pedometer, stopwatch, and cycling meter. It uses these to track how far you travel, whether by bike or on foot. For every mile you travel, you can earn contributions to the charity of your choice.


Geocaching is like a technological treasure hunt using GPS. Geocaches are containers hidden all over the world. They are typically filled with small trinkets. The appeal is the hunt, not the prize itself. The Geocaching app gives you attributes and descriptions of each geocache, as well as recent activity and hints on where to find it. It doesn’t give you the exact location, though; where would be the fun in that?

These fun and useful apps can enhance your outdoor activity this spring and summer. If you’re looking for mens electric bikes for sale before you can start your adventure, you can find them online from retailers.